With Woman
24 Feb 2013 2 Comments
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If you want to serve a woman’s birth… Begin with loving her.
Ignore the checklist of what birthing and mothering should be, and love her beyond reason.
Open your ears to her heart, and hear her stories that she carries of her own birth, her own mother, of the lineage of a hundred grandmothers before her and of the journey that has brought her to this place where your lives now intersect.
Hear the songs of her hope and strength, the melancholy of her fears, the strands that tie us all together as mothers, as women, as sisters
And if you have not yet heard where your own heart answers “yes, yes, this is mine too”, you have not listened long enough.
If you want to serve a woman’s birth… Love her.
Love her beyond your shoulds, beyond your concept of right and good and beautiful,
Beyond her own expectations of herself and her beloveds
Beyond your own fears of manipulation and control and imperfection
And remember that the journey of transformation from resistance to empowerment must be hers, and believe in her completely and love her fiercely through it.
If you want to serve a woman’s birth… Love her.
Love her in her unclaimed shadows, in her stumbling, in her victories, in her vulnerability
and remember that her choices have nothing to do with you.
Love her through her screaming and her doubting and her sweating and her swearing
as she passes through the fire of her own soul, surrendering the only life she has ever known and emerges, herself, reborn, as Mother.
If you want to serve a woman’s birth… Love her.
Love her in her divine feminine life-growing Creatress self that dwells within her and within you and around each and every woman
in our working and our doing and our creating
in our instincts and our innate wisdom and our visions and our voices
that surpass our illusions of power and greatness and quest for enlightenment and our perpetual search for a life more beautiful when already we are blessed beyond measure.
If you want to serve a woman’s birth… Love her.
Love her in compassion, honor and believe in her
in her holy sacred messy vulnerable powerful raw life-giving self in body mind and spirit
until she knows the story of strength and courage and wisdom that is Her Own as the new story that she now carries forward for the sisters and daughters and mothers and grandmothers yet to come
for it is this way, one birth and one woman at a time, that together we weave the web that changes the world.
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